Darius D.

This blog is a reflection of me, forever growing and evolving. So, only expect one thing when you visit, TRUTH. Unless I post a short story, then it wouldn't quite be true, now would it?

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Okay. So, I am officially beginning my foray into the blogosphere. This has been about two years in the making, but due to procrastination, laziness, and a million other excuses, it was put on hold until now. So, here I am, unleashing my words to millions across the world. Or, more likely to the two or three friends who’ve been waiting impatiently for this.

When trying to decide what my first blog would be about, many ideas crossed my mind.
  1. A rant on my many less than enjoyable movie going experiences in the past year. (Though I saw this foreign film, The Secret in Their Eyes, recently, that was amazing.)

  2. My desire to take Gucci Mane, Plies, and Soulja Boy, line them up on a wall, firing squad style. Then throw every single one of their CDs and mixtapes at them until they agree to neva eva eva eva make “music” again.

  3. A personal campaign to take Old-School MC, Kool Moe Dee out of the ranks of history's most under appreciated rappers. Come on, I Go To Work, Knowledge Is King, The Wild Wild West…classics.

  4. Lips.

  5. The disappearance of respect. Example: When you were a teenager and were walking in the mall or a store with your friends, you cursed. Don’t lie, you know you did. But if someone old enough to be your mama, uncle, Sunday School teacher, or bus driver came by, you would watch what you say. Ahhh…no more. I was in the mall the other day and I could have sworn Richard Pryor and Andrew Dice Clay were having a conversation behind me. When I turned around and saw what seemed to be two fourth-graders, I gave them the look that my mama gave me when I walked in the house, sweaty from playing football in the street, but acting as if I didn’t know the street lights went off thirty minutes ago. But they just kept on spewing f-bombs like a 2 Live Crew Album. And I was offended. Wait, am I getting that old? I digress. One of the worst things about what the little bastards were saying was that the cursing was unnecessary and gratuitous. See, I am a connoisseur of cursing. A Picasso of properly placed profanity, if you will. But they were just cursing by numbers. STOP! (Okay, Okay…this wasn’t the chosen topic. Maybe I’ll get into the rest of this at another time.)

But I choose to introduce the world to my niece. My niece, Na’Zyia is three years old. She is the Universe’s most perfect creation. Na’Zyia is simultaneously 3-year old inquisitive toddler and 30-year old attitudinal diva. Below is a transcript of a conversation she and I had over Sunday dinner.

Na’Zyia sits with her plate in front of her. She has eaten the crescent roll, but continues to arrange and rearrange the rice, chicken, and green veggies on her plate. Uncle D looks at her.
Uncle D: Zyia, eat all of your food.
No response.
Uncle D: Zyia, come on. You gotta eat all of your food.
She continues to play.
Uncle D: If you eat all of your food, I’ll give all of the money in my pocket.
She looks up, tilts her head to the side, and reaches out her palm.
Na’Zyia: Take it out and let me see what number it is first.
My sister and I just laugh.

How did she know I only had a nickel in my pocket?

Whew! Blog number one is the books. More to come. Some poetry, short stories, I might rap or perform a magic trick. You never know.


N Williams said...

Yaaay for post #1. You're a fab writer and I can't wait to read more. Also, I'd be down to help you round up Gucci Mane, etc -- I can be your muscle!

P.S. I'm looking forward to that magic trick :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...lips. Interesting. Would like to see what a post about that would be about.

Let me know when you line up Guccie & Plies, because I have a few other things (i.e. hard metal, pointy objects) I'd like to throw at them.

C. Elliott said...

Congrats on POST NUMBER ONE. I'm with the others on the Gucci an 'nem firing squad-type line up. Your topics will definitely generate conversation, bring back fond memories, engage the imagination, and choke up anger and outrage (specifically about the foolishness that goes on today with our youth concerning the lack of respect and the sense of great entitlement they feel they were born with, when in actuality most of them don't deserve s...my bad...I'm calm).
Keep us guessing, informed, educated, and inspired.
Many blessings.

Anonymous said...

You know I'm not a violent person but I would mind the firing range on the rappers. IJS...

Looking forward to the blogs D.


Christene Carr said...

Finally, thank you! Congratulations and welcome. Looking forward to tonnes more!

Jessika said...

Congrats on your very first post! That Na'Zyia is at the very least...something else. What can you say to such a witty child? lol Cute, very cute. I would have to agree that "lips" peaks my curiosity the most.


Keila said...

Yay for D! Congrats on your first post. And with regards to idea # 5, didn't we just have this convo?!? These kids I tell ya...

Anonymous said...

Na'Zyia is cute and noncontroversial so that seems like a nice start to your career as a blogger. Oh and Mr. Connoisseur of Cursing the young people today just curse to curse they don't poetically consider what they are saying and why they are saying it. Looking forward to your next blog......

Anonymous said...

1) interesting and well written :-)
2) maybe not lips, maybe just a "lip"
3) Na'Zyia is adorable in appearance and mannerisms
4) I, too, look forward to more :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. I look forward to your postings, my friend.