If you don't know, Bishop Eddie Long, pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, just outside of Atlanta, is being accused of sexual impropriety with four young man who were members of his church and ministry.
When this news first came out, people were shocked. But why?
Oh, because he's a pastor.
And because he is a voice of staunch opposition to all things homosexual.
And I guess because he is well-respected community leader and advocate for uplifting individuals.
Or maybe it's because he drives a car that costs more than I've made my entire life.
I don’t get why everyone is up in arms over this situation. He’s just a man. Yes, he is in a position of shepherd to a flock of ‘believers’, but ultimately, he is still a man. We have a tendency to elevate people beyond human being status, and when blemishes appear, it's hard for some people to believe them.
For instance, you may never find a bigger Michael Jackson fan than me. Let me rephrase that.
you may never find a bigger SANE, not willing to commit suicide because I don't want to leave in a world that MJ isn't in Michaled Jackson fan than me. But even I had to admit that there was something a little shady about Mike's affinity for sleep-overs with pre-teens.
Mike was a man. Bishop Eddie Long is a man. A man who apparently likes taking teenage boys on trips around the world and sending them pics of him in bathroom mirrors donning extra-tight, spandex sportswear.

But hey, who am I to judge?
Judgement. Now, that's an interesting topic. That's what this entire situaton is about, judging. The same Bible that the bishop preaches from speaks at lengths of the dangers of passing judgement. You know, the whole speck in someone else's eye when you have s big stick sitting in yours. It also says, "judge not, lest ye be judged." And undoubtedly, that's what people are doing right now; judging. They see the preacher living in a mansion, driving expensive cars, flying in private jets, and wearing custom-tailored suits. They judge. They photographs that he allegedly sent to these young men. And they judge. They see his hair and wonder why Jheri curl makes wigs. And they judge.

But the judgment being passed has supporters of Bishop Long furious. They want everyone to just be patient, let all the facts come out, and stop being so judgmental. Wow! That's refreshing.
Isn't it ironic that when faced with turmoil, people want everyone else not to judge them. However, whenever they have a chance they are passing judgment on every sinner, heathen, and hell-bound person they can find.
More ironic is that fact that the Bishop has long been a vigilant fighter against gay marriages and everything related, but here he is being accused of not only an abuse of power, but with boys. Why do most churches seem to be delusional about homosexuality? The same church that preaches that it's a sin, usually has a choir directed as straight as Little Richard.
But more importantly, why is everyone acting like there’s no homosexuality in the church?
Come on, anybody that attends a black church, grew up in a black church, or ever attended a black church, knows that they have questioned the sexuality at least one person in that black church: the choir director.
But that's okay. He needs love, too. Maybe this whole situation will be able bridge that divide. Ultimately, only Bishop Long and the Longboys know what or who went down on those trips. But these accusations could end up serving a greater purpose.
- Let it be a lesson to people of all faiths to stop deifying men and focus on a personal relationship with whatever deity you chose to or not to serve.
- Maybe looking at the whole person and not simply pick a part of him/her that we don't like or understand, then accept them with love. Maybe then the choir director will feel completely free as he leas the church in Blessed Assurance.
And as for Long's innocence. The Bible also says, "what's done in the dark will eventually come to light." Or was that my grandma?
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