Something for Mike
This is a tribute
To he who sang the soundtrack to my youth, my life.
From waking up in the morning to watch your cartoon,
To watching Thriller and being scared to sleep at night.
This is for you, Mike.
For those terrific moments, specific moments.
Like Miami Arena ’85, Victory Tour, all the way live.
And dropping the moonwalk at Motown 25.
This if for that little boy who sang Ben,
For countless hours trying to add more revolutions to my spin.
This is for the Lady in your life and all the P.Y.T.s
And for all of the people just like me
Who were awakened by parents from some blissful dream
To do some groggy-eyed performance to Billie Jean.
But once that beat dropped and before you uttered that very first line,
The sleep ran away like you in Remember the Time.
This is for the kids who used to rock the hot red leather zipper jackets to school.
This is for the only man who could make high-water pants and penny loafers cool.
This is for jheri curls and bejeweled gloves.
For being nine years old and singing like you knew the joys and pains of being in and out of love.
This is for the music, the moves, the mind, the man.
This is for the things about EVERYONE that NO ONE will ever understand.
This is my tribute to MJ in the form of a poem.
Maybe now they will just leave you alone.
Copyright © 2010 Darius D.

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